Glitch Art & Circuit Bending

Glitch Art:
A glitch inside a computer program can be a bug that the user will come across not that frequently; the dilemma can sometimes disappear because the occasion could be changed. (“What Is Glitch? – Definition From Whatis.Com”)
Glitches inside a data are sure to happen, as the technology is getting complicated and it is effortless for little bugs to get into the data and damage a faultless looking data. There a number of artists in different fields that are acknowledging the principles of the glitches and also they are adding the glitches into their work and employing a procedure identified as data bending. (“Glitch Art Created By ‘Databending’ (Wired UK)”)
Artists typically rely on the procedure called data bending to create their work or project. When using basic hex editor the artist can amend the basic information in a data file, for example a JPEG Image. Hex editor allows the artist to open the JPEG file, and then it allows the user to control the binary information behind the files. (“Inside The Bizarre Phenomenon Known As “Glitch Art””)
The name data bending sketches its name from the practice of circuit bending. This is where children’s toys and cheap keyboards are intentionally short-circuited, this where the circuit board is bended to allow it to produce and create natural and random jingle. (“Glitch Art Created By ‘Databending’ (Wired UK)”)

(Paramount Pictures)


(Tony Hughes Design)
These are the images that I found, one is perfect without any glitches and the other picture has glitches.
The first image (Paramount Pictures) has no glitches and shows all the right things that the use wants to see, for example the logo of the company.
The second image shows us that there is a glitch across the whole image. This image is usually shown before a movie is started and this shows the user that there might be a problem with the image of the program or film.
It shows us that the glitch artists can create a work of art by undertaking nil work. Also the artist doesn’t need to take hours and hours of labour to create art.


Circuit Bending:
The creator of the circuit bending, Reed Ghazala by chance, shorted out a toy amplifier against a metal object that was in his desk drawer. This was the result in a flow of extraordinary sounds. (Banzi and Shiloh)
Circuit bending is a skill that allows the user to use a technology to create music or sounds through circuit bending. This allows the user to exchange the sound through the piece of equipment. (“What Is Circuit Bending? – Definition From Techopedia”)
Circuit bending is acknowledged as a type of sound skill and it is one of the most interesting forms of tinkering. It allows the user to modify existing electronic items; they are more often than not musical instruments. (“What Is Circuit Bending? – Definition From Whatis.Com”)
It is a method that allows a creative short circuit of the low voltage, battery-powered electronic audio devices. The sort of devices that this method works on is guitar effect pedals, children’s toys and small synthesizers that allow the user to generate new musical instruments and sound generators. (Banzi and Shiloh)
Musical artists will benefit from the circuit bending, as it allows them to create their own music and sounds. It will allow them to see and explore different types of sounds from instruments. In my opinion the circuit bending is a great tool for many to use such as music and I have seen some videos on YouTube that someone has create a musical item from a kid’s piano. It is quite cheap and the sort of sound it can produce is amazing.


“Glitch Art Created By ‘Databending’ (Wired UK)”. Wired UK. N.p., 2016. Web. 6 Mar. 2016.
“Inside The Bizarre Phenomenon Known As “Glitch Art””. Fast Company. N.p., 2014. Web. 6 Mar. 2016.
“What Is Circuit Bending? – Definition From Whatis.Com”. N.p., 2016. Web. 6 Mar. 2016.
“What Is Glitch? – Definition From Whatis.Com”. N.p., 2016. Web. 6 Mar. 2016.
Banzi, Massimo, and Michael Shiloh. Introducción A Arduino. Madrid: Anaya Multimedia, 2015. Print.
Paramount Pictures,. 2016. Web. 6 Mar. 2016.
Tony Hughes Design,. 2016. Web. 6 Mar. 2016.


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