Morphing Sound

Here i used the software audacity to record two sounds and then saved both sounds as a RAW file. The RAW file allowed me to open the sounds files in another software called Photoshop. In Photoshop i opened the RAW files and then changed the images to a grey scale and then changed it in to a 8 […]

Anaglyph Image

I used the software Photoshop to edit this original image by changing the effect and make it look a bit 3D. I used a step by step guide to create an effect. I duplicated the original image and changing it to layers, then changing the channels of both images. One image i changed channel to […]

Glitch Art & Circuit Bending

Glitch Art: A glitch inside a computer program can be a bug that the user will come across not that frequently; the dilemma can sometimes disappear because the occasion could be changed. (“What Is Glitch? – Definition From Whatis.Com”) Glitches inside a data are sure to happen, as the technology is getting complicated and it […]